New Year’s Eve–2020 Into 2021

Photo by Oleg Zaicev on

Vibe of the day: “It’s all about freedom right now.  your mind, body and soul are yearning for you to simply let go.  Let it fire on all cylinders.  Trust me when I tell you that your higher being needs no direction from the 3D you.  It’s the other way around.  You have no idea what’s in store for you until you let the fire that burns inside of you set the rest of the world ablaze.  The universe is begging you to sit and watch the movie instead of being so stressed trying to produce it.  This is a new time.  a new era in your life.  freedom is yours.  Let it be.”

That energy is exactly what I have been feeling.  2020 was the year where everything burned and where we were finally awoken to our own toxicity.  Whether or not we owned it and accepted that responsibility is another story, but none of us are able to ignore that our actions have impact any longer.    I have little regret over 2020 and little personal anger over 2020. 

I’m really happy with where I’m at.  I’ve learned a lot, grown a lot, loved a lot, taken chances on myself.  This was the year that pushed me to action.  It helped me define my boundaries and not only recognize, but act on keeping those boundaries.  This is the year I came to terms with the actions that merely made me selfish versus the actions I needed to take for myself.  This year has shown that nothing is in our control, nothing will turn out exactly as we plan—and that is exactly how it is meant to be.  We are meant to have a greater connection with source than we are with material.

2021 is the Phoenix.  The old has been shed and burned to ash, and I am cautiously rising out of them.  It’s a vulnerable stage.  It’s a new life with new wisdom on a stronger foundation, but it is still in its infancy.  Resilient yes, but fragile. 

No matter where we are at this point, it is enough.  Full acceptance without judgement allows space for growth.  This year has been unprecedented on so many levels, that goes without saying.  We can’t evaluate where we are at using old standards.  Perhaps, even more importantly, do we need to evaluate ourselves by where others are at?  Why create that stress?  Why focus on what, in reality, isn’t real?

I don’t want to release this year—I want to release the pain of this year.  I treasure the time I have had and the lessons I have learned.  I even embrace the fear and confusion because it led me to finding EXACTLY what I had to work on.  The pain that we collectively felt, while I do believe it has a purpose, is not something I wish we had to go through.  Even that pain is revealing and helping to point us all in the right direction, so I appreciate that as well while I let it go.  Remember the lesson, let go of the pain. 

I welcome 2021 and look forward to going in with eyes wide open.  I look forward to continuing to learn and develop and share and to becoming more of who I am.  Releasing more of the stories I’ve told myself, stepping more into my own.  No matter what, I’m ready.  Bless the old, welcome the new, gratitude for what we have.

A Happy, Healthy, and Safe, New Year to All.       

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